Sunday, October 8, 2017

My Mother

7.5 Billion people on the earth. I dedicate this blogger to them that have touched our heart and have inspired us to make pleasant changes in our world.

And now, I would like to take this time to speak about my mother

Having knowledge of her past, I am amazed at how mother developed from her lonely early life as such a compassionate and optimistic woman.

Mother is always strong. I've never heard her express resentments and faithlessness in life even during hardships, difficulties and obstacles.

She was always brave and courageous. She speaks her mind and heart.

She is confident of herself. With her natural beauty, she gives you an encouraging and welcoming smile.

Mother was my greatest teacher, a teacher of true love, hard work, perseverance, fearlessness and endurance. These things, create an exalting influence in me.

Mother is an angel. She has  a very deep inner spirituality that helps her get through life.

My mother is wonderful. For me, she is a definition of beauty and perfection.